artist statement

The Meaning of Things

In her 2014 show, "My Space", Eleen looked to her studio to document the space between the artist's skin and the outside world. For "The Meaning of Things," Eleen builds on the final set on paintings from "My Space" which departed into an abstract investigation of space itself. She describes her newest work very simply as "paintings of a cardboard box."

Martha Eleen is interested in human geography and the relationship between culture and landscape. Her paintings have received critical attention in the form of curatorial essays, reviews and publication and have been exhibited in public galleries in Canada, U.S.A, Mexico and Japan. Eleen's work is represented in permanent collections including the Art Gallery of Ontario. She is an honours graduate of Emily Carr College of Art, Vancouver. Eleen lives in Toronto where she teaches painting and drawing at Toronto School of Art and is represented by Loop Gallery.

The Meaning of Things was exhibited at Loop Gallery, Toronto, 2015;

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